The Mysterious Metal Divider

I moved into the brick house on Carol Road in 2012, shortly after my separation. I didn't meet the previous owners, but we arranged for me to keep some of the furniture and numerous pieces of artwork and craftsmanship that adorned the walls.

One particular piece caught my eye: a three-part, intricately fashioned, heavy metal divider hanging above the kitchen bar. The bar was centrally located, connecting the kitchen, sunroom, family room, and laundry room/pantry. With bar stools facing the kitchen, you'd sit with your back to the rest of the house, and the mirrors allowed you to see through the entire house from this vantage point.

However, on my first night in the house, I took the divider down and moved it. The next morning, I was sitting at the bar, about three feet away from the divider, when I noticed it was floating in the air, hanging from a nail on the wall. As soon as I jumped back, it fell to the floor with a loud crash!

There were no earthquakes, avalanches, or any other disturbances. Here are some strange occurrences that followed:

1. The trim and paint were knocked out of the doorway as I walked through.

2. Dresser handles were shaken.

3. The back door with glass and a sleeping dog was thumped.

4. The lights blew out in the bathroom at the same time.

The next owner reported that a cross on a rack flew across the room and nearly hit her a year later.

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