
The Mysterious Light at Deerfield Shoreline

This occurrence happened early this morning (6-9-2024) around 6. I truly do not know if it was anything supernatural, but it was beyond any doubt terribly strange.

This is going to be a long story, and I want to clarify that it isn't frightening, so bear with me.

This weekend, my father and I took a trip to Deerfield Shoreline, Florida, for a family event on Saturday. We were given an Airbnb that was initially booked by an uncle-in-law, but he decided to stay somewhere else and gave the room to us. His spouse (my close relative) had stayed in this specific Airbnb once before, but on the opposite side of the duplex.

When my father and I arrived late Friday evening, we checked out the place and nothing seemed out of the ordinary, so we continued to bring in our luggage. The house had an open layout. As soon as you walk in, you are immediately in the living room and a small kitchen area. Off to the right side of the living room are two rooms, a bathroom, and what looked like two small closet entryways. One of the rooms is on the right side of the lobby, and opposite to that on the left side is the other room. The bathroom is on the left side of the lobby, and right after that is one of the rooms I mentioned. The bathroom and this room have a door between them, so you can open this door and walk directly between them. Keep in mind the details about this room and the bathroom as they will be important later.

The room I chose was a back room and the smallest of the three. It was located past the kitchen area but was right next to the door that leads to the backyard. The room itself had a window that looked directly into the patio, where there is a jacuzzi and a small yard area. We never ended up going back there.

My father initially chose one of the front rooms on the left (the one that will be mentioned later) but didn't feel comfortable resting in the bed, so he decided to sleep on one of the long lounge chairs in the living room.

During our entire stay, everything was quite chill and nothing was out of the ordinary.

Long story short, after the family event on Saturday, my father and I went out to a restaurant and then came back later that night. It was sometime after 10 PM when we got back, but he told me that one of my uncles and his girlfriend were coming over to visit for a bit. I was so tired that I almost fell asleep immediately. I didn't even get a chance to see them when they came over.

I woke up a few times after 4 going on 5 AM. I lay in bed for a while and then started browsing my phone. After almost an hour, I had to use the bathroom. I got up and noticed that my father was still asleep on the sofa, snoring loudly. I did my business and then went back to bed and started browsing my phone again. I hadn't heard any noise or any sign of my father being up.

About an hour later, I had to use the bathroom again. As I walked out of my room and into the kitchen area, I instantly saw a light sparkling, so I thought I had left the bathroom light on. But when I went around the corner, I saw that the back room light was on At first, I was like "WTF?"

My father was still on the love seat in the living room, fast asleep, snoring as loudly as can be, so I knew he was in a deep sleep.

I knew my uncle and his girlfriend had come by the previous night, so at first, I thought perhaps they had stayed overnight. I looked in the room that the light was on in, as well as the one right next to it, and noticed no one was there. I promptly found this interesting and was a bit confused.

I already had my phone in hand, so I took a video of it for evidence.

I then reluctantly tried to wake my father up. He was in a deep sleep and snoring loudly, so I hated to bother him, but I had to know why that light was on.

I started gently tapping on his hand. Around the same time, I thought I heard a very light and faint hum-like sound coming from that room, and it sounded like a female voice. I instantly got startled but tried to rationalize it as me being on high alert. It was also around this same time that I noticed it was ice cold in that entire area, and I'm already familiar with that feeling due to past encounters. The AC was running at the time, but it was a very spooky feeling in the air. Once more, I tried to attribute it to the fact that I was already slightly on edge and tried not to accept anything supernatural. In any case, that light was on for some reason.

My father finally woke up. I told him, "Hello, Father, I didn't mean to wake you up, but why is that light on in the room?" He was totally out of it and said that he might have gotten up and simply forgotten he left the light on. He instantly went back to sleep.

As out of it as he was, I know for a fact that he hadn't been up anytime recently. In reality, I would have at least heard somebody moving around in the house on those tile floors and given the fact that it's mostly an open layout setup.

I walked over to the room and tried to turn off the light by the two cushion switches I saw, but neither worked. I saw the farther control for the light and fan, so I had to use that to turn off the light... which made it even more strange.

I was totally weirded out by this and didn't know what to think. I went back to my room and tried to get it out of my mind. By this time, it was already sunrise, and the sun was slightly out.

I lay there for a while, eventually getting tired. Before falling asleep, I went back out to check on things and saw that the light hadn't come back on. But there was this evident cold sensation all through that part of the house. I checked all the rooms in that area and saw nothing, so I went back to my room.

When I got somewhat past the kitchen area, I felt a ghostly sensation, but once more, I credited it to just being on edge, so I tried not to engage it.

I eventually settled down and fell asleep.

I stirred perhaps two hours later. When I woke up, I instantly checked the house once more. I noticed it was still ice cold, and my father was still asleep.

He stirred perhaps after another hour as I heard him go to the bathroom and begin showering. After he came out, we greeted each other, and I started to tell him about the entire situation. It was around this time that I noticed the ice cold sensation had finally gone. We talked about it, and he said that he might have gotten up and simply forgotten he left the light on, but he couldn't remember doing it.

We had to check out by 11, so we began getting our things arranged. The remaining time we were there passed without incident, thankfully.

I truly and really do not know what to make of what happened, but it was very strange.

This is a link to the brief video that I recorded showing the occurrence: [YouTube Link : ]
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