
A Lifetime of Hauntings - From Childhood Terrors to Spiritual Connections

My life, Plaza, has been intertwined with the paranormal since childhood. Growing up in Ashton Under Lyne, England, in a house purchased by my parents in 1967, I experienced a series of unsettling events that left a lasting impact.

One of my earliest memories is screaming in terror at the sight of something in my bedroom, which I shared with my younger brother. My parents later revealed that I was petrified of going to bed each night, often screaming as they carried me upstairs.

Around the age of five, I woke up to find something heavy sitting on my legs, preventing me from moving. The pressure instantly lifted when the bedroom light came on. My brother and I often sought comfort in each other's beds, seeking refuge from the unseen presence that haunted our home.

Even bath time wasn't spared from the unsettling feeling of being watched. These early experiences instilled a deep fear of the paranormal within me.

After my parents separated, I spent weekends at my father's house, where the haunting continued. One night, while lying in bed, my hair was pulled forcefully from behind, an event witnessed by my brother. On another occasion, we heard footsteps ascending the stairs, stopping abruptly when our father entered the house. These incidents left us terrified and convinced that something was amiss in the house.

As I grew older, I sought refuge at my aunt's house, sharing a room with my cousin who also harbored a fear of ghosts. One night, unable to sleep, I heard a rocking noise coming from the top of the stairs. To my horror, I saw a baby pram rocking back and forth, despite no one being awake in the house. This experience forced me to move back in with my father, where I resorted to sleeping with the lights and radio on to drown out any potential disturbances.

Another unsettling incident occurred while watching TV late one night. I fell asleep on the sofa after changing the channel from a horror movie. Upon waking, I found myself watching the same horror movie again, despite having no memory of changing it back.

Eventually, I moved into my own place with my partner, and the paranormal activity seemed to subside. However, years later, while working at a pub, I encountered a new haunting. While cleaning the function room one morning, I repeatedly heard the laughter of a little girl. The owner later revealed that the upstairs was haunted by a harmless child who enjoyed giggling. This revelation was enough to send me running, and I quit the job immediately.

My fear of the paranormal has influenced my housing choices throughout my life. I avoid older properties and am acutely aware of any unsettling vibes. Even at my grandmother's flat, I sensed a presence, which she later confirmed as the ghost of an old woman.

One of the most profound paranormal experiences involved a spirit named Lisa, whom I contacted through a Ouija board. Following our initial communication, I began experiencing a strange sensation, as if someone was blowing softly on my neck. My mother informed me that I needed to properly close the Ouija board session to allow the spirit to depart.

Afterward, I began hearing a voice in my head urging me to visit a Spiritualist church. Despite feeling like a fraud, I attended a service where the medium singled me out and delivered a message from Lisa: a gift of a big pink heart and an expression of gratitude. The medium also mentioned the presence of two other spirits connected to me: an older gentleman and a shy teenage girl.

This reading was incredibly accurate, revealing details about my family, my birthdate, and even a deceased friend. The experience left me with chills and a sense of awe.

On subsequent visits to the church, I received further messages from Lisa, but none as profound as the first. Eventually, our communication shifted to a more internal dialogue, where I could "hear" her voice in my head.

About a year after our initial contact, Lisa offered me a unique experience. Following her instructions, I lay flat on my back and was overcome by a sensation of pure ecstasy, surpassing any physical pleasure I had ever known. This sensation occurred twice, leaving me forever yearning for its return.

Although the intensity of my connection with Lisa has faded over time, the memories of our interactions remain vivid. I've considered seeking out another reputable medium, but I remain cautious about the possibility of encountering frauds.

Despite the absence of recent paranormal activity, with the exception of a strange incident involving a disappearing slipper, my belief in the supernatural remains strong. The experiences I've had throughout my life, from childhood terrors to spiritual connections, have shaped my perspective and left me with a sense of wonder and respect for the unseen world.

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