Bueli and the Whispering Child

This story isn't my own, but one passed down through generations in my family. It happened to my maternal grandmother, Bueli, many years ago, and it's a tale that still resonates deeply within us.

After getting married, Bueli gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, her only child for nearly five years. Tragically, the little girl succumbed to a brief illness, leaving Bueli and my grandfather in profound grief. While both mourned deeply, Bueli's sorrow was particularly consuming. Every day, she would visit her daughter's grave, kneeling and weeping, talking to her as if she were still alive.

She'd ask if she was cold, if she felt lonely, pouring out her heart for hours before returning home, only to repeat the ritual the next day. Weeks turned into months, and Bueli remained trapped in her cycle of grief.

One day, while lost in her sorrow, she noticed a small figure in a white dress walking towards her. Assuming it was a child who had wandered away from a visiting family, Bueli initially paid little attention. But then, the girl spoke, uttering words that turned Bueli's world upside down: "Mama, no puedo irme mientras estes llorando... Por favor dejame ir." ("Mom, I won't be able to leave if you keep on crying... Please let me go").

Although she never saw the girl's face, Bueli instantly knew it was her daughter. The message was clear: her grief was anchoring her daughter's spirit, preventing her from moving on. It was a turning point for Bueli. She realized that while the pain of her loss would never vanish, she could not remain tethered to the cemetery forever.

From that day forward, she visited her daughter's grave only on special occasions, carrying the memory of her child in her heart but allowing her spirit to find peace. Later in life, Bueli had nine more children, five of whom survived to adulthood. While she mourned the loss of each child who passed, the words of the girl at the cemetery served as a guiding light, offering hope that death was not the end and that they had transitioned to a better place.

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